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Invoice Numbers Overview

Invoice numbers are unique identifiers assigned to each invoice. By default, Pop Invoice automatically generates invoice numbers in a sequential order. For example, if the last invoice you created was numbered 123, the next one will be 124

Pop Invoice offers three ways to personalise your invoice numbering system:

  1. Change the Next Invoice Number in the Sequence

    You can manually set the next invoice number in the sequence, allowing you to pick up from where you left off or start fresh with a new sequence. [more info]

  2. Define a Specific Numbering Sequence by Customer

    Tailor your invoice numbers to each customer by defining a specific sequence and/or a prefix. This ensures that your invoicing system aligns with your client's preferences or internal requirements. [more info]

  3. Use Invoice Numbers from Your Notion Database (Pro Feature)

    For Pro users, you can use invoice numbers directly from your Notion database. This is useful if you prefer to create the invoice number before generating the PDF. [more info]

Change the Next Invoice Number in the Sequence

If you need to change the next invoice number in the sequence, simply go to Settings in the left-hand panel and update the sequence to your desired starting point.


Client-Specific Invoice Numbers

If you require unique invoice number sequences for specific clients, you can set this up in your Clients database. This can also be combined with the customer specific prefix.

  1. Create a number property in your Clients database where you define the next invoice number to be used for the client. It can be called anything you like. If you’re using the template that comes with Pop Invoice, this is property is already created.

    invoice number.png

  2. Go to the centralised Notion settings page in Pop Invoice and pick the property from the drop down list in the “Next invoice number” section.


Pop Invoice will then generate invoice numbers according to the sequence you’ve set, and automatically update the property with the next number in the sequence each time an invoice is created for that client.

Invoice Number Prefixes

You can set a client-specific prefix to your invoice numbers, to set this up you need to add a new property to your Clients database.

  1. Create another property in your Clients database. This property can be named anything you like. If you’re using the template that comes with Pop Invoice, this is property is already created.


  2. Go to the centralised Notion settings page in Pop Invoice and pick the property from the drop down list in the “Invoice number prefix” section.
