<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/fb8f9a88-2bb8-420e-8b14-e18c53c3a1e7/home-icon-silhouette.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/fb8f9a88-2bb8-420e-8b14-e18c53c3a1e7/home-icon-silhouette.png" width="40px" /> Help homepage


There are 3 ways to get help in Notion Invoice:

  1. By reading the **Help pages**.
  2. By **emailing** [email protected].
  3. By using the chat widget on the website.

Help pages

You can get access to Notion Invoice’s help pages quickly by clicking “Help” in the left panel of Notion Invoice.



You can email [email protected] to get help.

Clicking on “Email Support” will also open up your email app with [email protected] filled in.

email support.png

Chat widget

Ask a question on the the chat widget window that appears at the bottom right of the Notion Invoice website.

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Type a question, and we’ll answer it for you

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