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Is Notion Invoice created by Notion?

No. Notion Invoice is not affiliated to Notion in any way. It is created, owned and maintained by Farez Rahman and Jo Lodge.

Is Notion Invoice free to use?

Yes. You can create up to 5 invoices a month for free. If you want to create more you will have to pay for a monthly or yearly subscription. More info on the pricing structure here

Is there a limit to the number of invoices I can create?

You can create up to 5 invoices a month on the free version of Notion Invoice. If you have paid for the pro version of Notion Invoice you can create an unlimited number of invoices.

I need a feature that Notion Invoice does not have

Please do let us know what you need. If enough people need it, we will build it! Email us at [email protected].

How do I contact you?

Email [email protected]. Or see this page for other ways.

How do I change my profile name and email?

This can be changed in your profile settings page. Click on the profile picture in the top right of the screen and select profile. Full instructions here

Why can I not retrieve any new invoices even though I’ve created them in the database?

This can happen if you’ve created the invoice in your Invoice database but not set the status to Ready. Set the invoice status to Ready in your invoices database for them to be available to Notion Invoice and ready to turn into a PDF. Full instructions here

How do I set the currency in the Notion Invoice

Notion Invoice does not currently treat numbers as actual currency, instead you can add the currency symbol to labels and information areas of the invoice template.

For example, in the Totals section, you can enter "Total ($)" in the Invoice total label. Or in the Line items section, you could label one of the columns as "Price (¥)".

Alternatively, you can also mention the currency in the Additional info section, or Bottom section.

Full instructions here