<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/3754830f-032a-4f4f-9dd8-faced6228851/pro1.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/3754830f-032a-4f4f-9dd8-faced6228851/pro1.png" width="40px" /> Want PRO features? Upgrade now.

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Pop Invoice Pro Features

Multiple Invoice Templates

With Pop Invoice Pro you can create more than one invoice template. Ideal if you have customers that pay in different currencies or you want a different template layout for different customer types. Or if you want to send invoices from different businesses.

By default, Pop Invoice comes with one standard template that you can customise to determine the look and layout of your PDF invoices.

Set Invoice Date and Due Date

With Pop Invoice Pro you can manually set a specific invoice date and invoice due date for each individual invoice.

By default, Pop Invoice automatically generates the invoice date and due date for you. The invoice date is set to the day you create the invoice, and the invoice is due according to the number of days you set in the template.

Send overdue invoice reminders automatically

With Pop Invoice Pro you can create multiple email reminders. For example, you can create reminders to be sent out 3 days before an invoice is due, on the due date, and when they are 3 days overdue. You can also start or pause a reminder at any time.

Order Invoice Line Items

You can create an order by property in your line items database that determines the order of the line items in the invoice.

By default the line items are ordered by creation date

Use your own invoice numbers

*As a Pro user you can use invoice numbers from your Notion databases.

By default Pop Invoice creates the invoice number for you, as a Pro user if you already have an invoice number in your database this will be used instead*