<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/d4e31c2e-32c0-45b6-a9be-60caf966066b/pro1.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/d4e31c2e-32c0-45b6-a9be-60caf966066b/pro1.png" width="40px" /> This is a Pro feature - Upgrade to Pro
By default, Pop Invoice automatically generates the invoice date and due date for you.
The invoice date is set to the day you create the invoice, and the invoice is due according to the number of days you set in the template.
If you want to override either of these dates, and set a specific invoice date or due date manually, then you can add additional properties to your invoices database and select them in your settings -this is a Pro Feature!
In your invoices database, create two new date properties. You can name them anything you want, e.g. “Invoice date” and “Due Date”.
*If you’re using the Pop Invoice Starter template these properties are already added to the Invoices database
As above, in your Notion invoice database add a date property for the invoice date. Then add a formula property for the invoice due date. See this blog for ideas on how to set the due date formula where each invoice can have a different due date period set.
Go to Pop Invoice - settings page and scroll to the Invoice date properties section.
Select the properties you just created from the drop down lists.
Click the Save date properties button
*Note: If you don’t set a due date, i.e leave it blank in the Notion database, the due date on the invoice will be set to the “Number of days until payment is due” value that you set in the Pop Invoice template, see here.
The example below shows the invoice date being set to June 1st and the due date to June 15th
View the invoice in Pop Invoice and you’ll see the dates on the PDF are the same as the dates in your Notion database.