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Step 1: Create an invoice in your Notion database
- First create a new entry in your invoices database in Notion and set the Status to “Ready”
- Here’s an example that shows the invoices database with a new invoice. Notice the “Ready” status value.
Step 2: Generate the invoice in Pop Invoice
- Once you have an invoice in Notion set to “Ready”, open your web browser, go to https://popinvoice.com and log into your Pop Invoice account.
- In the left hand panel, click on “+ New Invoice” and select the template you want to us OR if you’re on the Dashboard, you can also click on “Create a new invoice”.
Step 3: Preview the invoice
- A preview of your invoice will be displayed.
- If you have more than one invoice in Notion that has the “Ready” status, you will see a dropdown at the top of the preview for you to select the invoice you want to create.
<img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/292f49e9-e356-42db-9c66-ac3fe891cbdf/information.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/292f49e9-e356-42db-9c66-ac3fe891cbdf/information.png" width="40px" /> The invoice number will be automatically created for you. It’s a sequential number.
You can also change the sequence number or set client-specific invoice sequence numbers and prefixes.
When you’re happy with how your invoice looks, you can create your invoice.
Step 4: Create the PDF invoice
- Create and email the invoice, or